Fast Food & Sugary Drinks

Approximately one-third of U.S. children and adolescents consume fast food on a given day and sugary drinks are often a part of the meals consumed, adding “empty” calories and sugar to their diets.[1] Consumption of fast food and sugary drinks contributes to chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and fatty liver disease. Yet, research shows that marketing for sugary drinks - regular soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks, flavored waters, sweetened teas, and fruit drinks - continues to target children and teens, including Hispanic and Black youth. Further, fast food remains the most advertised food category to children and adolescents on TV—accounting for more than one-quarter of all food-related ads viewed.


Learn More About Fast Food Marketing

Fast Food Marketing Research



Learn More About Sugary Drink Marketing

Sugary Drink Marketing Research


What is a Sugary Drink? Soda may be what comes to mind first, but fruit drinks and flavored waters can also have high amounts of sugar.

Do You Know What’s Hiding in Your Child’s Drink? Many children’s drinks contain the same low-calorie sweeteners that are in diet drinks. Find out how to spot these sweeteners in the product ingredient list.

How to Choose Fruit Juice for Your Child

Water First for Their Thirst!

100% Juice: What Size is Best?

Common Sugary Drink Myths Explained - Responses to commonly held beliefs about sugary drinks

Understanding the Nutrition Facts Panel


Room for Confusion: Labeling of Fruit Drinks, Flavored Water, and Unsweetened Juices

Sugary Drink FACTS 2020:

Drink Nutrition Search Tool - In addition to sugar, many sugary drinks contain artificial colors, zero-calorie sweeteners, and caffeine. Use this tool to find out more.

Healthy Eating Research Beverage Consensus Statement - Research shows that what children drink from birth through age five has a big impact on their health – both now and for years to come. The nation’s leading health organizations agree that for most kids, these recommendations can help to set children on a path for healthy growth and development.

Testimony of Dr. Jennifer Harris on energy drink marketing to teens before the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee. July 2013.

For additional information on sugary drinks, please visit


Sugary Drink Taxes

The negative health effects of excessive consumption of sugary drinks, including weight gain and increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dental caries, and osteoporosis, have prompted recommendations to target taxes at sugary drinks. Such taxes have been implemented so far in more than 40 countries and 8 localities in the US. Evaluations of these interventions provide increasingly strong evidence of reduced purchases of sugary drinks as a result of their taxation.

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