Early Care and Education College Programs
Do you teach nutrition for future Early Care and Education (ECE) providers as part of the course “Health, Safety and Nutrition” or similar courses?
In collaboration with the Connecticut Department of Public Health, the UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health has developed 11 training modules to augment your curriculum. Each module is a standalone video recording and slide presentation and can be used as part of your class material (in-person or virtual) or an assignment for students. Additionally, sample questions (with answers) can be used for a quiz or exam to assess learning outcomes are included with each module.
These resources are free-of-charge for educational and training purposes. Full terms of use can be found here, and any questions should be directed to Dr. Tatiana Andreyeva (tatiana.andreyeva@uconn.edu). These modules are made possible with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The modules are offered in English and Spanish and cover the following topics:
- Breast/Chestfeeding Friendly Childcare
- Daily Routines that Include Nutrition
- Feeding Scenarios: Infants
- Feeding Scenarios: Toddlers
- Feeding Scenarios: Preschoolers
- Feeding Children with Special Needs
- Food Allergies
- Food Safety in Childcare
- Incorporating Nutrition into Your Center Policies
- Licensing
- Meal Patterns.
Breast/Chestfeeding Friendly Childcare
Breast/Chestfeeding Friendly Childcare:
In this module, we will discuss why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breast/chestfeeding and how childcare providers can support families in their choice to breastfeed. We will cover approaches and practices to establishing breastfeeding friendly childcare environments and offering support practices for moms who choose to breastfeed. We will discuss education and professional development regarding breastfeeding and the development of breastfeeding policies in your center.
This content is also available as a PowerPoint file.
For your convenience, we have created a sample quiz (with answers) that can be used with this module.
Spanish translations of the video and PowerPoint for this module are also available for your use.
Daily Routines that Include Nutrition
Daily Routines that Include Nutrition:
Nutrition is more than just meals. In this module, we will learn how to teach about nutrition through books, cooking, and creative play. We will discuss appropriate meal transitions to get children calm and ready to eat and what children can learn during meal service.
This content is also available as a PowerPoint file.
For your convenience, we have created a sample quiz (with answers) that can be used with this module.
Spanish translations of the video and PowerPoint for this module are also available.
Feeding Children with Special Needs
Feeding Children with Special Needs:
Many children have special needs that affect their eating habits or food choices. In this module, we will discuss dietary needs of children on the autism spectrum, children with medical diets, and children who may need adaptive equipment. The module also provides discussions on how to make meal modifications including writing nutrition care plans for these children with special needs.
This content is also available as a PowerPoint file.
For your convenience, we have also created a sample quiz (with answers) that can be used with this module.
Spanish translations of the video and PowerPoint for this module are also available for your use.
Feeding Scenarios: Infants
Feeding Scenarios: Infants
It is recommended that infants consume only human milk or iron fortified infant formula for the first six months of life. We will discuss the benefits of both feeding human milk versus infant formula. The module also includes proper handling and storage of human milk and what happens if human milk is fed to the wrong infant. Responsive feeding will be discussed along with transitioning to baby foods and moving from a bottle to a cup. Suggestions on appropriate early foods and additional beverage choices will also be offered.
This content is also available as a PowerPoint file.
For your convenience, we have also created a sample quiz (with answers) that can be used with this module.
Spanish translations of the video and PowerPoint for this module are also available for your use.
Feeding Scenarios: Toddlers
Feeding Scenarios: Toddlers
Toddlers are just learning to experience foods and in this module we will discuss transitions from the bottle to cup, self-feeding, choking hazards, food jags, and child led conversations about food. Toddlers will experience many changes in their eating, from food textures to transitioning to self-feeding. Suggestions to overcome some feeding stresses will be offered.
This content is also available as a PowerPoint file.
For your convenience, we have also created a sample quiz (with answers) that can be used with this module.
Spanish translations of the video and PowerPoint for this module are also available for your use.
Feeding Scenarios: Preschoolers
Feeding Scenarios: Preschoolers
Preschoolers have matured in their eating habits, but still have much to learn. We will discuss meal patterns, the benefits of serving meals using family style service, parent provided meals and strategies to work with fussy eaters. We will also offer suggestions on how to get preschoolers to experiment and try new foods.
This content is also available as a PowerPoint file.
For your convenience, we have also created a sample quiz (with answers) that can be used with this module.
Spanish translations of the video and PowerPoint for this module are also available for your use.
Food Allergies
Food Allergies:
All childcare professionals should be aware of food allergy management as food allergies are quite common amongst young children and some can be serious, even life threatening. In this module, we will learn the difference between food allergies and intolerances. There are 8 major food allergens, which will be discussed along with signs and symptoms of allergic reactions. The module covers allergy management and the need for care plans between the physician, nurse and dietitian.
This content is also available as a PowerPoint file.
For your convenience, we have also created a sample quiz (with answers) that can be used with this module.
Spanish translations of the video and PowerPoint for this module are also available for your use.
Food Safety in Childcare
Food Safety in Childcare:
Food safety is critical when serving food to young children as they have not yet built up their immunity and are more susceptible to foodborne illnesses. In this module, we will learn about choking hazards, inappropriate foods for young children to eat, how food becomes contaminated and how to prevent foodborne illnesses. Proper cleaning and sanitizing techniques will also be addressed.
This content is also available as a PowerPoint file.
For your convenience, we have also created a sample quiz (with answers) that can be used with this module.
Spanish translations of the video and PowerPoint for this module are also available for your use.
Incorporating Nutrition into Your Center Policies
Incorporating Nutrition into Your Center Policies:
This module outlines what is needed to provide a comprehensive nutrition policy. It covers the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) guidance, including the required non-discrimination statements. Other topics covered are the role of a Registered Dietitian in your program, meal patterns and meal schedules, water needs, and parental education.
This content is also available as a PowerPoint file.
For your convenience, we have also created a sample quiz (with answers) that can be used with this module.
Spanish translations of the video and PowerPoint for this module are also available for your use.
Licensing for Connecticut Child Care Centers
Licensing for Connecticut Child Care Centers:
Each state has its own childcare regulations, including licensing statutes and standards. As we are based in Connecticut, we have developed the licensing needs for our state. Please check your state requirements as they may be different. Much of this module applies to all states as it outlines participation in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), which is a federal program for child care centers and daycare homes funded by the USDA. This module also discusses the role of a registered dietitian in any program that serves meals or snacks, meal requirements and food safety regulations for serving food in a child care center.
This content is also available as a PowerPoint file.
For your convenience, we have also created a sample quiz (with answers) that can be used with this module.
Spanish translations of the video and PowerPoint for this module are also available for your use.
Meal Patterns
Meal Patterns:
In the state of Connecticut, as well as many other states, licensed child care centers that provide food must follow the USDA meal patterns of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). This module explains meal patterns for infants, toddlers and preschoolers that licensed child care centers have to follow to stay compliant with licensing regulations. Additional information is provided for serving nutritious snacks as well as incorporating ways to reduce sugar and increase whole grains in children’s diets.
This content is also available as a PowerPoint file.
For your convenience, we have also created a sample quiz (with answers) that can be used with this module.
Spanish translations of the video and PowerPoint for this module are also available for your use.